Thursday, December 22, 2022

A Good Read


What a way to start the day.  With your nose in a good book.  And what a book it is.  Reading royal words on an ordinary life. What a astounding gift.

My soul does, most definitely, magnify the Lord.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Gift

 Malls are filled with harried shoppers, trees are laden with skirtings weighed down by the stack of packages rimming its tall fragrant spire, living rooms are festooned with lights, candles, baubles of all colors and shapes -- all awaiting the one day, the day of gifts.  A joyful demonstrated exchange of love all wrapped up with a bow.

The day is unlike any other.  It portrays a mythical fat man who flies in the sky and gives gifts if we're very good.  But the true meaning of Christmas, the reason for it, and why it is still the premier holiday of them all is embodied in the One that IS the gift.  His name is Jesus.  He's the gift because none of us are good.  He took away all the ledger of all the evil deeds done in a life by the gift of Himself.  No one can out-gift that one.  No one can repay.  That's what makes the gift treasured more than any other.  It's a true no-strings-attached gift.  He presents  Himself to your heart.  It's given to you freely with unrestrained love.  The rest is up to you to unwrap.  And when all is said and done and the earth releases itself in complete surrender to the Creator who made it, the end of all things, those who have unwrapped the gift in the nativity of their hears will fly away with Him...forever.  Makes that Santa sleigh thing seem pretty doggone puny.  It's the exchange.  Love given by the One who IS love to one who doesn't deserve it but is profoundly and exceptionally grateful.  Open present.  It's yours.  Love is a gift.  He has a Name.  He IS the gift.  Pretty profound, don't you think!

Merry Christmas, sweet one.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Growing in the Lord Where You're Planted




Sometimes plant live.  Sometimes they die.  I haven't had much success with plants in the past, so our doing the two-step together now has been an iffy journey.  But these three plants survived and flourished despite my feeble attempts to water adequately but end up drowning my poor leafy subjects or forgetting to feed them or worse yet, just forget to acknowledge their presence in the midst of life's busy cycles.  

But it's consistency of attention to detail, patience, sometimes a little pruning, soft whispers of encouragement.  Much like the Lord does with us.  Always patience, His attentive care that shines in the delicate details, along with a little pruning along the way lined with whispers of love, support and encouragement just when we need it ... those are the elements of true growth in the Lord as we obey, wait, listen and act on what He imparts to us daily.  He seals in the night that instruction.  Sometimes He even re-pots us into a different environment, different soil to grow in, even changing lighting in the area  to make sure we will grow and mature.  

While we are not plants, we are people, He uses these plant metaphors often in the Word.  One of the most famous is, "This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come."  (Mark 4)  There are many others.  The seed is the Word of God.  


Lord, plant me deep in your rich soil.  Cause me to drink daily Your water of life from the Spirit of God  that nourishes and strengthens, invigorating our walk with You.  This is a new day, a new thirst that is yearning within.  You are the husbandman.  I am merely your tender shoot reaching for the sky.  You are loved, Lord.  With all within.  Kisses! 


She wasn't having it.   It was warm, inviting, and this furry feline wanted no part of rising to greet the new day.  Wanting to feel warm and "next to Mom," she chose my recent exit and nestled in.  To say we're joined at the hip isn't too far from the truth.  She is a blessing from God to me.  I pray to God every day He would keep her healthy and in His care for all the days she has on this earth.  

Fat, furry, and fuzzy ... that's Miss Rina!

Monday, December 5, 2022

December Family Campout - 2002

 December 5, 2022

When family gathers, it is akin to what the Father designed long ago.  Family to be together, to come to the table, to dine, to share, to laugh, to pray, to rejoice, to give thanks, and to laud the Maker of our lives.  This last weekend we did just that.  The following photographs record the gathering.  

I made Edward a stocking.  Well, the stocking was purchased, but the stuffins in it were compiled and some made and given with love.  He loved them all.  One was a coupon book with two coupons:  one that gave him a coupon that never expires .. I would pray for him everyday; the second, dinner for him and Cheyenne, my treat.  The card of course, I made.  All my cards take time, design, effort, resources, care and love and prayer.  It is one small way of the language of the love.

It was very cold at the cabins.  The first night extremely windy and 17 degrees.  It never got above 61 in the cabins.  So I stayed bundled up.  

Sarah offered me her sleeping bag jumpsuit.  Boy, now that's the ticket.  I warmed right up and stayed warm.   Maybe a future purchase may ensue.  

A picture below shows our cabin and there were others that rimmed the small lake.  The geese loved to be there.  In the morning they were standing ON the water because the lake has already started to ice over.  They would fly in and then "skate" on the ice when they landed.  Very humorous.



Fetching, don't you think??  LOL

Here are some faces of love.  Sarah with Wilson, Kristy with Edward and Sarah with Chance, the family dog.  He is the sweetest.  He definitely knows where Nana keeps her treats!  

And here is the reason I'm here.  My daughter.  A Northwest girl transplanted on the prairie learning prairie ways.  No Indians nearby (though I know there are the Midwest Plains Indian tribes around here somewhere; they have powwows all the time).  But love and joy abundant.  God is so gracious to give me family of my girls at this time of my life after so many decades.  It's something for which I will always be grateful.  Truly He puts the "solitaries in families."


Unfortunately, she contracted COVID during this weekend, but is on her way to recovery.

The night whispers.  I love it when it's so still ... so still you can hear ... the voice of God.  He solidifies instruction in the nighttime hours so they're very holy hours.  Time not only to rest and have our bodies rejuvenanted, but a time the Lord breathes on us His love and instruction afresh and anew.  How I love Him.  A passion that grows with every passing ... night.

I love you Father.  Kisses!  xoxo

The Stones and the Heavens Cry Out!!

Ever wonder why Jesus said, if these precious ones didn't praise me the rocks would cry out.  In our Western mindset we don't rea...